Monday, April 27, 2009

WA8 d 1

So, what’s your typical Saturday night? Go out, party, get drunk, have fun, and not do school work. The last thing on your mind, on a weekend, is school. Well, for some people, school is everything, and they don’t even get to live the full college experience. These people that I am talking about are kids with cancer. More people, than we could ever imagine, are diagnosed with cancer, and their whole lives are dramatically changed. You need to appreciate your lives. A fun thing that your sorority can do, to get everyone involved, is organize an event. You could organize anything; a run, a clinic, a food drive, a bake sell, or anything. You just pick something that you want to raise money for, and go for it. You guys are very smart, and talented; you will be able to think of something to plan. If you plan an event like this, it gets people together. You can meet new friends and have fun, without doing something you’re not supposed to be doing. People are always willing to give money to a good cause, and if they see some really inspired girls out there, trying to raise money for the less fortunate, they will be even more generous. Now remember though, that this money goes to those people, not to you. This is an opportunity to give back to your community, so don’t take advantage of it.

People who are sick or just cant even afford it, they work their butt off, to try and do the “normal” things, which you take to granted everyday. You go out, party, drink tons of alcohol, and what do you get from it? A night of fun that you can’t even remember, and a messed up liver? Sounds like a great time. Not. One thing that you should appreciate though, are your friendships. When you go to college, no one knows anyone. Everyone is complete strangers, and you have to put your self out there to try and get to know them. This is why it’s great to join a sorority. A sorority should be a place to make new friends and grow on these relationships.

Now, don’t get me wrong. In a sorority, partying, and having fun time is amazing too, but maybe you should spend more time studying. In fact, you could make a study group out of your sorority, and before tests you could get together and help each other out. You need to appreciate the recourses and everything around you. They are there for a reason: to use. Ok, so pretty much just keep in mind these things and I think that you will definitely appreciate life, and everything else, so much more. You will see the bad, and the good, and maybe it will make you want to help out even more, and if so, that’s great.