Sunday, October 26, 2008

WA 2 personal editing

It was Halloween; about 10:30 at night. My friend alexa and I were so bored, that we decided to take a walk outside. We were walking down the road, and came upon this old house. It looked really creepy and haunted. After much consideration, we decided to finally go up to the house. It looked so spooky, and we were very scared. I was so scared, and Alexa was also. Her face became white, and her eyes bulged out of her head. She did not want to go up to that house! The only thing blocking us from going inside was this huge black door, with tons of spider webs on it. It looked like someone hasn’t been inside this house in 100 years! Alexa just looked at me. She knocked on the door. No one answered. “Ok ummmmmmm lets go! This place is creepy! And no one is home anyways!” Alexa said frantically. I ignored Alexa. I mean, we wanted to have a good time tonight, didn’t we? I pushed open the door. She just stood there. I motioned her in, threatening that something might get her, if she was just standing outside by herself.

We slowly walked in. I saw the stairs and decided right then and there, that we were going up them. I started walking up, and Alexa just stood there. I yelled at her “come on wimp!” and she finally followed. All the way up, the stairs were creaking. Creeeeeeeaaaaaak. Creeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaak, over and over. We finally climbed the never ending stairs. We turned right into the pitch black room. Alexa looked up, and there was a sky roof. The bright lights from the stars were shining down on us. We looked in the corner at the very back room. There seemed to be a closet. The door was very rigid, and hard to open. We saw a very faint light in the back of the closet, right behind a white, antique chair. It looked like it had been made 50 years ago. We saw the light, and it was beaming through a little key hole, the size of a black bean. We looked around the closet, using our cell phones as lights of course, and finally found the key after about five minutes of searching.

I slowly put the key into the key hole, and very carefully turned the key. It opened. I peered in, and what did I see? A hand! I looked in farther, and there it was. The rest of the body! Somebody had been murdered here! Oh wait. Was he really dead? Alexa poked him to see. Nothing. About five seconds later, all we hear is the dead person whispering at us “leave my house, or your next…” we screamed so loud, people down the street must have heard us. What did we do next? But we ran! We ran as fast as we could. Out of the closet, down the stairs: creeeeaaaak, Creeeaaaaaak, out of the house, slamming the door, and down the street into my house, and under our beds. There’s no way we’re going to complain of boredom ever again. And I can guarantee that if Alexa and I ever hear of someone not having enough adventure, I think we’ll suggest for them to go to that haunted house, and see what they say when they come back, if they even make it back...

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