Sunday, November 30, 2008

WA 3 Draft 2

Dear Rob Bell,

Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith is definitely a very powerful book. The whole series makes you think about your religion, and your beliefs. They really make you think, and you actually learn a lot also. The books are very inspiring. You, even came out with videos called “NOOMA” that are also very thoughtful.

In Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith. You pretty much just go back to the basics. You talk about what it means to be a Christian. You also talk about how to read the bible, so that we can understand it. This touched me in so many ways. I’ve always gone to church, ever since I can remember. My dad is catholic, and my mom is Lutheran, so I’ve grown up going to church every Sunday.

Now, young life came into my life, and I was introduced to one of your videos. I then learned that you had written books. I was extremely happy when I heard this. I went out, and read the book. It was amazing. You really explained everything so well, and put everything into perspective. There was this one part, when you talked about lying, and how it’s a sin, but God will still forgive us. And that really made me change my way of thinking.

You also wrote another book called Sex God: Exploring the Endless Connections between Sexuality and Spirituality. This one is also very powerful. You talk about how we are very sexual beings. The book talks about how we talk about ourselves as sexual beings without even asking who created us to be that way. This really makes you think. It made me definitely think about how I could just mess up, big time, and have sex. You also talk about how God created us to make babies, so that they can experience a very vivacious life, like we have. Most of the time, we aren’t even thinking about that, especially as just a 15 year old teenager. It just made me really think that that is a very special moment in your life. You, Rob Bell, are a very powerful man, and you really explain things with great detail, and relate it so much to teenagers.

I think that ever since I’ve heard of you, this amazing and talented man, I’ve been so inspired. I’ve wanted to pretty much change my lifestyle. I think that your books, really just gave me a whole new perspective on things. I think that I am definitely trying to be a more trustworthy person, even to the people who are, well, not the nicest to me. If a tough situation comes up, like someone being mean to me, I think about what you say in those books, and well just choose the better root. Your books have definitely dramatically changed my outlook on life in a very positive way, and I just wanted you to know that.

Yours truly,

1 comment:

WashingtonC0809 said...

This is really good.
It has a lot of personality.
You repeat yourself a lot though...