Sunday, March 29, 2009

WA6 final

It’s a great day on the beach. The waves are crashing down on the warm grainy sand. It’s warm and sunny out: the perfect summer day. This is my first time I’ve ever been to the beach. Usually, we just go skiing at this really cool and big house we own in Vail Colorado. We have to drive there and we live in Virginia. It’s so long; I usually just go to sleep on the ride there and back. This year, my parents told us that gas prices are too high so we have to go to some place close to home. We decided on Virginia Beach.
Mommy just told me that we could go get some ice cream! Oh no. she just met another teacher from the school she works at. My mom is a third grade teacher, I’m in second grade, I guess ill have her next year. That should be…interesting. Anyways, this is going to be forever. Everywhere we go, my mommy sees someone, even when we go to a gas station for a potty break. It ends up being an extra twenty minutes on our trip, because she runs her big mouth for so long. “I just want to get some ice cream, mommy. Hurry up; it’s so hot out here and I’m starving.”

My mom; if I had to describe her in a few words, I would say chatter box, bubbly, and talkative. Man, my mom can talk. Oh my goodness. Look at that girl; she’s building a sand castle. I really want to build a sand castle. My friend one time made a huge castle and said it was awesome! I’ve never been to the beach before, but I’ve heard they are so cool. Hmmmm, maybe if my mom keeps talking to this lady I can sneak away and play in the sand… “Sally, I think Bobby is running away.” “Bobby, if you want to go play, you have to ask first.” “But mom, I tried but you just kept talking” (my mom interrupts me) “bobby sit down, I don’t want to hear another word from you.” This was not fair. I was just trying to have fun. I wonder where my older brother and sister are. They left like thirty minutes ago with my dad. I bet they are off having fun, playing in the sand, and eating ice cream.

“Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, oh my gosh! Have you been in the water yet? It’s awesome: warm, and there are huge waves. We love the beach!” says my older brother. My sister told me that we could even go to the boardwalk later. I wasn’t really sure what that was at first, but then she told me it was a place where you can walk near the beach and there are all these stores and arcades and stuff. I responded with “anything is better than this, look at mom.” Our mom was still over there jabbering away.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

WA6 draft 1

It’s a great day on the beach; so warm and sunny. This is my first time I’ve ever been to the beach. Usually, we just go skiing at this really cool and big house we own in Vail Colorado. We have to drive there and we live in Virginia. It’s so long; I usually just go to sleep on the ride there and back. This year, my parents told us that gas prices are too high so we have to go to some place close to home. We decided on Virginia Beach.
Mommy just told me that we could go get some ice cream! Oh no. she just met another teacher from the school she works at. My mom is a third grade teacher, I’m in second grade, I guess ill have her next year. Anyways, this is going to be forever. Everywhere we go, my mommy sees someone, even when we go to a gas station for a potty break. It ends up being an extra twenty minutes on our trip, because she runs her big mouth for so long. “I just want to get some ice cream, mommy. Hurry up; it’s so hot out here and I’m starving.” My mom; if I had to describe her in a few words, I would say chatter box, bubbly, and talkative. Man, my mom can talk. Oh my goodness. Look at that girl; she’s building a sand castle. I really want to build a sand castle. I’ve never been to the beach before, but I’ve heard they are so cool. My friend one time made a huge castle and said it was awesome! Hmmmm, maybe if my mom keeps talking to this lady I can sneak away and play in the sand… “Sally, I think Bobby is running away.” “Bobby, if you want to go play, you have to ask first.” “But mom, I tried but you just kept talking” (my mom interrupts me) “bobby sit down, I don’t want to hear anything more from you.” This was not fair. I was just trying to have fun. I wonder where my older brother, sister, and dad are. They left like thirty minutes ago. I bet they are off having fun, playing in the sand, and eating ice cream.
“Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, oh my gosh! Have you been in the water yet? It’s awesome: warm, and there are huge waves. We love the beach!” says my older brother. My sister told me that we could even go to the boardwalk later. I wasn’t really sure what that was at first, but then she told me it was a place where you can walk near the beach and there are all these stores and arcades and stuff. I responded with “anything is better than this, look at mom.” Our mom was still over there jabbering away.

Monday, March 2, 2009

WA 5 draft 3

Why does this dress look so terrible on me? It must be a way to get back at me. How would she know I snuck into the bachelor’s party and hooked up with her fiancĂ©? “Come help me zipper this up Renee,” says the obnoxious bride. That should be me in that dress, not her. I would look amazing in it, when she looks, average. I helped her put the dress on: perfect fit. A maid of honor comes in and tells us we have to go down to the ceremony. I, very lackadaisically, go. The walk down the isle goes as slow and painful for me as a visit to the dentist office. That should be me up there, not her. She gets everything she wants, and now the perfect man. They say their vows. The priest asks if anyone objects to the couple spending the rest of their lives together. I couldn’t control my self, I started sobbing right then. I loved him too much to see him marry her. I jump out of my seat bumping into everyone and everything. I burst out into a cry screeching “this isn’t fair! Joseph, I LOVE YOU! It’s been many years now, and this nincompoop isn’t right for you, I am.” With that, he runs over to me. I knew it, he loved me! We ran out of the church singing and dancing, as happy as ever.
Just kidding. That’s not exactly what happened. See, I could never announce my undying love for him, not here, not ever. It just wouldn’t happen. While they were saying there vows I only thought to myself this scenario. For now, I will just have to picture myself with my perfect Joseph. And when I see them together, I will have to bear it. I will not cry, I will not show any emotion, for I love Joseph too much to mess up his life; that wouldn’t be fair to him. For now, I will just keep these thoughts in my head, and when the time comes (which I hope is very soon) I can tell him how I feel, and that he should be with me, not Veronica.

It’s the day of the wedding. I’m so nervous. I’m trying on my dress. Oh no, why is the zipper not going up? I guess I should ask Renee to help. “Come help me zipper this up, Renee.” Why is she looking at me like that? Did I spill taco sauce on it from lunch this morning? I’m so nervous! Is this the right guy? Do I really love Joseph? Man last night was fun. Oh no! I HOOKED UP WITH ONE OF JOSEPHS BESET FRIENDS! He snuck into my party last night. Wow. That was so fun. But what about Joseph? I love him. Wait. Do I? I think I do. Yeah, I do. My maid of honor comes in and tells us that the wedding is starting soon. I walk past the mirror. Man! I look AMAZING! Yeah, Joseph definitely will love this.
I walk down the isle. The only thing I can think about is the guy I hooked up with last night. Man he was HOT! I’m at the altar. Why is Renee staring at me like that? Oh no! Did she find out about my hook up last night? What if she told Joseph? That guy was a good kisser! Wait, what am I saying? He’s announcing his love to me, and all I can think of is some silly hook up. I love Joseph. But why is Renee looking at Joseph like that? He’s mine, not hers. The only eyes that should be laid on him are mine. But wait. What if Joseph can’t marry me? Oh my God I think I would die. I bet that guy from last night would help me with my pain…wait no, veronica stop thinking about him. You are about to get married to this wonderful man who has done nothing but love you.
“I do” we are finally married! Why does Renee look like she’s about to cry? “Pictures anyone?” the photographer announced. With that, I completely forgot about Renee. This was MY big day, not hers.